Many codes do not function 1:1 on Neocities due to their association with Font Awesome (the thing that lets you have cool html symbols). Hence, to ensure everyone is properly credited, I created this page.

"Simple Comptact" by kkjj

"Flat Character Directory 01" by Aurorean

"[ F2U ] Wings of Fire Basics" by jiko

"My Little Pony [Basic]" by Aurorean

"[ F2U ] PokeSummary" by togedemaru

"Obey Me Chat" by Aurorean

"you know what vap means!" by AkaneAlexis

"The Info Dump Character Code F2U" by InkyBlinkyArts

Resource Packs by ScreamingBrainStudios



Aesthetic Folder on Pinterest (the only works used are ones which reverse image searches did not trace back anywhere else. Feel free to let me know if you see an image that you know the origin of! I can either properly credit or remove it at request. ^^)